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Barn Hunt Trials
@ K9cation – Firestone/Ft Lupton, CO

April 17 @ 11:00 am - April 20 @ 8:00 pm MDT

Online Entry Available

We can’t hold these trials without your help!  Vouchers paid for working!

EIGHT Regular Trials!!

**PLEASE NOTE THE RUNNING ORDER LISTED IN THE PREMIUM! We will be running these trials concurrent, and starting with Instinct. If you enter both trials, your runs will be back to back.  We do NOT run all of trial 1 in the morning and then trial 2 in the afternoon like in some areas.**

Preliminary Schedule/Running Order:
ALL DAYS: Instinct1&2, Novice1&2, Open1&2, C81, Senior1&2, Master1&2, C82

DAYTIME TRIALS all four days with eight C8 runs!
Starting at 11am each day. (IMPORTANT – Do not arrive earlier than 10:30am each day as we do not have general access to the space prior to those hours per our contract with the facility.)

Be sure to check the welcome letter for any revisions to schedule/class order!

Judge: Jennifer Vincent (BHAJ-280A) of Council Bluffs, IA

Trial Opens: March 6, 2025
Pre-Entry Closing Date: April 3, 2025
(Entries must be RECEIVED by this date in order to be eligible for the pre-entry discounted rates.)

DISCOUNTED Instinct Runs! One Q and you get your RATI title!
*BHA Registration Number Required (Visit www.BarnHunt.com and click on “Register Dog”)

Current Run Availability:

This will be kept updated until the start of the trials on Thursday 4/20.

–Trials not open yet.–

See section at the bottom of this page for how the WAIT LIST works.

Dropping Off Entries:

Entries can be dropped off in the little milk box on the front porch of the house address in the premium, or mailed to the house address listed in the premium.  DO NOT MAIL ENTRIES OR LEAVE THEM AT MATRIX DOG OR K9CATION! You can also bring them to any RMR Barn Hunt Trial but you must hand them directly to the Trial Secretary (TS).  Do not hand them to anyone else, do not put them in the cash box, do not just leave them on the secretary’s desk, etc.  RMR is not responsible for entries not handed directly to the TS, and the TS will not hunt them down.

DO NOT otherwise leave or mail entries to the facility!  DO NOT MAIL ENTRIES OR LEAVE THEM AT MATRIX DOG OR K9CATION! Please note the mail is EXTREMELY SLOW at the moment.  Entries must be RECEIVED on or before the pre-entry closing deadline to be eligible for the pre-entry discount otherwise late/day-of-show entry rates will apply.  Dropping off or mailing an entry to Matrix or K9cation does not count as the entry being received unless it is handed directly to the RMR Trial Secretary.


Premium – click here for more information about these trials.  Entry form on the back page!  On some devices the entry form does not display in the PDF, if this happens please try a desktop computer.

Online Entry – The online entry form will be available on opening day and close at midnight MST the Tuesday before the trials (or possibly sooner if the trials start to fill), after which you’ll need to enter in person at the trials.  Fees are lower with a paper entry though, and the additional fees will not be refunded if the trials are cancelled or you pull an entry.  

Welcome Letter (will be posted on or before the Tuesday prior to the trials)

Running Order will be available at the trial. Entry counts, schedule, and class order will be listed in the Welcome Letter

How Does The Waitlist Work?

If a day fills and additional entries are received, we’ll take those entries on “waitlist status”. If someone pulls from the trial before pre-entry closing, they will receive a refund (minus any transaction fees) and if there is someone on the wait-list they will move into that spot. If someone pulls from the trial after pre-entry closing and there is another dog we can move in from the waitlist, the person pulling will receive a refund (minus a $5 processing fee per day) and the dog from the waitlist will move into the trial for the runs that became available. We will maintain a waitlist until five days before the start of the trial, after which any entries left on the waitlist will be shredded. Entries that are shredded when the waitlist closes will be refunded before the start of the event.

In order to be added to the waitlist you MUST SUBMIT AN ENTRY FORM and PAY IN FULL. You will receive confirmation of your entry that states your entries are “WAITLISTED”. Please keep an eye on your email as your status can change quickly!

Check back to this page to see if there are entries available late/day-of. You can also stop by the event and ask. Things can change last minute!

But What Time Will My Class Start?

We get a lot of questions on “when will my class start” for trials. I cannot give out times other than the start of the first class of the day. However, here is a way for you to estimate when your class MAY start running:

      • My welcome letters give entry counts as of the pre-entry closing along with the order the classes will run.
      • Here’s what BHA estimates time-wise for each run (this is in MINUTES):

  • Multiply out the estimated judging time per run x the entries in each class to get a rough estimate. However, please note that this doesn’t include absent dogs, move-ups, day-of-show/late entries, etc. And runs don’t always last the “estimated” judging time per run. There are no refunds/credits/moves for missed runs. Calculate at your own risk!


April 17 @ 11:00 am MDT
April 20 @ 8:00 pm MDT


10848 County Road 19
Firestone/Ft Lupton, CO 80621 United States
+ Google Map


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